Monday, October 29, 2018

Learning from Colleagues

A great blessing of being a Fulbright Specialist to Iceland is learning from my colleagues. We have the same essential goal; develop critical thinking in our students. At least in the US, this is becoming harder each year as student have easy access to so much information but so little ability to discern quality research.

I almost danced in the bookstore aisle after finding this book for University of Iceland students that is exactly what I have sought for my US students. What some dismiss as old fashioned is still important such as fallacies, burden of proof, ambiguity, correlation/causation and irrelevance to name a few covered with substance and style by author, Mark Forshaw. It is my custom to send a "fan letter" to any author like Forshaw and express my appreciation for his work. As an author, I can attest to how much it means to hear from colleagues and students that my work has contributed to teaching and preparation for the counseling profession.

This book will definitely influence my "APA, the Painless Way" workshop and hopefully I can get it as a required text for incoming counseling students that I teach in Counseling 500.  Frankly, I may never have found this excellent resource without being here and benefiting from what my Icelandic colleagues already know.

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