and effectively administered. The parent corporate has three such homes in Iceland.
We began with a description of the history and concept while enjoying coffee and pancakes. Icelandic pancakes are light and folded over with cream center. This is a popular treat.
This home has a workout room, physical therapy, occupational therapy and a large indoor pool which is also open to elders in the community and swim classes for children. They certainly make the most of ever space. On the fourth floor is a large creative room. Here residents have equipment and supplies for sewing, knitting, wood working, art and weaving. This photo from the back is their "store". These beautiful crafts made by residents are for sale. Much like a consignment shop, every item has a tag with a resident's id number. When an item sells, the resident receives the payment. This is further illustration of the home's concept that older adults desire to be productive and deserve to be rewarded for their efforts.
That sounds like a very neat model and concept. That shop looks to be full of wonderful items - plenty of knitting.